Wednesday, February 11, 2015

The Four Stages of Staycation

I have some vacation days coming up—a staycation.  I’m not going anywhere.  I plan to just stay home, rest, read my book club book, and get a bunch of stuff done around my house.  Of course, this is just an amped up version of the lie I tell myself every week, which goes something like this, “I’ll take care of it this weekend.  I don’t have anything to do so I’ll have plenty of time to catch up on my sleep and get a bunch of stuff done.”  Riiiiight.

As I’m making that mental list of important things to do, I've decided to be a little more realistic and prepare myself for the inevitable four stages of staycation.

I’m only going to sleep in and relax one day.  I should be able to knock out that book club book.  Sunday, I’ll make sure we all get up and go to church.  I’ll make breakfast before church and a big dinner that afternoon.

Monday, I’ll clean the house, reorganize the basement and office and clear out that storage area.  Monday afternoon, I’m going to organize all my tools and tool boxes for Tuesday when I’m going to fix all the lights in the living room and dining room, and install the new kitchen ceiling.  Oh, and cook dinner according to my fancy new winter meal plan. 

Wednesday is the day I plan to turn my antique upright piano into the new breakfast bar.  It only required two pictures on Pinterest, so it shouldn’t take long.  Then I’ll sand and paint those two dressers I’ve been procrastinating about.   And cook dinner.  Thursday is all about doors.  I have to change the direction of swing on the side door, and weather strip it, while I am at it.  I also need to replace the garage door.  And cook dinner.  Friday, I’m scrubbing all the walls and cleaning all the curtains.  A few of them need repairs, so I’ll do that, too.  In between loads of laundry, I’m sure I can clean out all the closets and make a quick trip to Goodwill.  I don’t have to cook on Fridays, according to my meal plan!  WooHoo.

Saturday will be just for fun; I will deserve it after all that hard work. Sunday, I’ll make sure we all get up and go to church.  I’ll make breakfast before church and a big dinner that afternoon.

Wednesday?  Huh.  Well, I’ll for sure make it to church next Sunday; I just need one more day to lie around.  Let me take a look at my to-do list. 
  •    Book club book (Where is that thing, anyway?)
  •    Cook dinner (Forgot about that whole grocery shopping thing)
  •    Clean house (It’s just going to get dirty again, anyway.)
    Reorganize basement, office and storage area (Shoving everything into the storage area counts, right?)
  •    Organize tools
  •    Cook dinner (Pizza sounds better!)
  •    Fix lights
  •    Install kitchen ceiling
  •    Cook dinner (Umm.  Yeah.  Still haven’t made it to the store.)
  •    Breakfast bar
  •    Refinish dressers
  •    Cook dinner
  •    Walls and curtains  (Seriously!?!  Who was I kidding?)
  •    Laundry (I’ll stop at Walmart and buy more socks and underwear while I’m out at Goodwill.)
  •    Doors
  •    Closets
  •    Goodwill trip

I still have plenty of time to get the important stuff done.  I’ll get cracking right after I take a nap and go to Hobby Lobby.

How is it already Saturday morning?  Where did all my vacation go?????  It’s hopeless.  I’m never going to get all this home renovation crap done.  NEVER.   EVER.  Or have a clean house.   I live with pigs.   Why bother with any of this?  No one appreciates my hard work anyway.  Let them all eat hot dogs on stale buns.  In the dark.  Ungrateful kids…they need more chores! I had a ton of chores when I was a kid!

Stupid to-do list.  I should just let the bank take this disgusting house back.  Then we could just rent a condo.   If I had a landlord, he’d have to do all this work!   Maybe I could just move Up North and live with my mom and dad…

I need to win the lotto!  Then I wouldn't have to do all this stupid work around here.  I wouldn't even have to get work done at work!  I could have a staycation every week!  Why can’t I win the lotto?  I deserve 250 million dollars!  I would invest!  I’d give to charity.  My new house would be perfect, and I would keep it organized from the very beginning.  Please, Lord, let me win the lotto!

Ugh!  I’m going back to bed and finish up those last three seasons of Grey’s Anatomy.

Crap.  Tomorrow is Monday, and I have to go back to work.  I guess I’ll just have to knock out that kitchen reno next weekend.