
Welcome to my blog.
I wish I had a dollar for every time someone has told me, “You need to write a book!”  But, who has the time?  I have to admit I have had an uncommonly weird life, which has fostered my unique outlook.  If you don’t know me very well, you may be tempted to think I am exaggerating about the mayhem.  I’m not.  Thank the Good Lord above that he saw fit to bless me with an indomitable sense of humor and a cast iron backbone.  Often, it is through writing that I make sense of this CRAZY life, and sometimes I inflict these rants essays upon my Facebook friends.  Some people seem to appreciate them, and since the book is not forthcoming, now people ask me to blog.  OK.  I can blog.  The rest of the Facebook world may sincerely appreciate NOT hearing my two cents worth!  
Some things you should know about me to truly appreciate my outlook on life:
  1. I see things exactly upside-down and backwards of almost everyone I know.  I choose to call it a “fresh” perspective.
  2. I have an itty, bitty, little problem with boundaries--
    1. As far as I am concerned, the only reasonable route from point A to point B is a straight line.  If there happens to be some obstacle in the way, the obvious solution is to go right through it.  Duh.
    2. Some people color inside the lines; some people color outside of them.  I don’t even see the lines.
  3. I am perfectly comfortable with these character traits.  In fact, I like them. A lot.  They help me come up with great ideas, and I get a lot of stuff done because it just never occurs to me that “it can’t be done.”  BUT... I get myself into many madcap situations because them.  
  4. I am a Libra.  I know, I know.  As a Christ-follower I’m not supposed to believe in astrology.  But darn if I am not a classic Libra.  I like things fair and balanced.  
  5. I cuss like a sailor.  I will try to behave.  
  6. My heart is huge and easily broken. It is often at war with my brain’s need for balance, fairness, perfection, and efficiency.  
  7. I believe in God the father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit; I have, therefore, personal convictions about the behavior required of us by our Creator.  I am a firm proponent of vaccination, the right to life, and the Oxford comma.  I believe in kindness, compassion, and personal responsibility.  I also expect every English speaking human being to understand when to use the word,  “its” as opposed to the contraction “it’s.”  Don’t even get me started on “their,” “they’re, and “there.”  I will never intentionally offend, but please remember the name of this blog—Becky Unfiltered.  
Proceed at your own risk!