This guy right here... SMH Whenever I envision people who are guilty of "Americanizing" the Gospel, I see Franklin Graham in my head. In the first place, I find it very hypocritical for Graham to hold up Bill Clinton as any kind of positive object lesson, when I have absolutely no doubt that he viewed Clinton with the highest DISrespect possible while he was actually in office. The Christian Right hated Clinton. I guess when it comes to racism, the good ole' boys can set aside party politics. I'm sure this is rude to say, but come on. You would have to be either a complete idiot or a confirmed racist not to see that we have some serious inequities in our criminal justice system. And I don't think Mr Graham is an idiot.
Secondly, Christianity is not white, and it is not Republican (or Democrat, for that matter.). I'm sorry to have to point this out, but the Bible simply does not support most of the economic and social priorities currently espoused by the people who have hijacked the Republican Party. Read Micah 6:8, and tell me we are not supposed to be taking care of our fellow man. It says we are required of God to act justly, love mercy, walk humbly. "Required." It's not a suggestion. It's a requirement.
If you think an Old Testament verse doesn't apply anymore, Christ confirmed it in John 21. If we love Him, we will take care of his sheep. He said it right out. THREE TIMES, for crying out loud. Honestly, do you really think Christ's biggest social concern in 2016 would have been whether a Christian is supposed to make a cake for a gay wedding? I do not. I just don't.
I love that Mr Graham shares the Gospel so clearly. I just wish he would realize the message would go a lot further toward feeding God's sheep if it were not served up with a huge side order of American-style apostasy. So, if you find yourself in agreement with the Republican party, great. Really. I have no problem with you having opinions that differ from mine. This is America. You have every right to think what you want, to not want to pay higher taxes, to think every hint of socialism is evil, to think an unmediated free market economy is the solution to everything... Whatever. Just own it, then, because what you do not have the right to do is to claim that God is your justification for those opinions. Keep your politics out of my Savior's Gospel.
I love that Mr Graham shares the Gospel so clearly. I just wish he would realize the message would go a lot further toward feeding God's sheep if it were not served up with a huge side order of American-style apostasy. So, if you find yourself in agreement with the Republican party, great. Really. I have no problem with you having opinions that differ from mine. This is America. You have every right to think what you want, to not want to pay higher taxes, to think every hint of socialism is evil, to think an unmediated free market economy is the solution to everything... Whatever. Just own it, then, because what you do not have the right to do is to claim that God is your justification for those opinions. Keep your politics out of my Savior's Gospel.