June 19, 2015
Wondering where the Church is. Wondering why we spent so much time focusing on whether we could pitch a baseball or mow the lawn on Sunday, go to the Prom, have a beer, or go to a movie when we were turning a blind eye to hatred and murder. Wondering if things would have been different by now if we had stepped up a little sooner.
We have to wake up, Church. It is our job to bring justice to the oppressed. It is our job to stand in unity with ALL of our brothers and sisters. Instead, we have turned a blind eye for HUNDREDS of years and let our own be tortured and terrorized while we run around "defending" the rest of the world in the names of God and Democracy. We have tolerated, permitted, even enabled the rotting, stinking open wound of racism in the body of Christ.
And then we have the nerve to cry about the fact that we are picked on by the "liberal media." News flash: that's what happens when you give away all of your credibility. Notice I didn't say "lose" credibility. We didn't lose it, we handed it over. The American Church might as well burn our own Bibles if we can't do better than this.
I'm not praying for peace, my dear, mourning brothers and sisters in Charleston. I'm praying for such a righteous and holy uproar that we will finally, FINALLY drown out the clamor of hate and racism. I'm praying fervently, and expectantly for the brightness of God's light to shine into every hidden corner, pocket, and heart where racism festers.