We have been taught what's important is that we act nice to black people so we don't FEEL like bigots. With all due respect, I don't give a rat's ass about how you feel. I do not care whether people like my kids or whether they are prejudiced dumbasses. Everyone has to learn how to deal with morons and jerks. I care whether you, or their school administrators, or the court system can harm them or deprive them of their rights. Ask Tamir Rice if that happens.
So, what is it I'm always blathering about? Pure evil genius. Tell people where the can live and work. Do not allow them to take out loans or own businesses and homes so they will lack financial opportunities. That's called redlining, job discrimination, and housing discrimination.
Structure the funding of schools around property values so that rich (white) areas have more and poor and minority areas have much less. Restrict access to learning, the arts, textbooks, resources because there isn't enough money. Turn out year after year of students not properly prepared for college or entrepreneurship, and without the financial buffer of family financial support. That's called educational disparity and systemic racism. And we are still doing it, my friends. Why are we still funding education as if poor kids deserve less than rich kids?
Tell people where they are allowed to live. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. Every 18 years starting with the Emancipation Proclamation. That's called Generational poverty. Does it ONLY happen to blacks and not whites? No. Of course not. Does the fact that it does happen to whites erase the reality that it has happened disproportionally to blacks? Nope. Further, I would argue that even the poorest of white families did not get that way because the law said they had to live inside a red line on a map.
Which brings me to this guy. Not just a pretty face--who knew?!?!?!? Here it is in Jesse Williams' words. It's a little long, and he's is unfiltered in this video. I especially like these excerpts, but watch it yourself.
"Generational poverty is a very real thing... You can't corral an entire segment of the population in the ghetto away from the American Dream then wonder why it doesn't look like a Norman Rockwell painting."
"Housing discrimination is the biggest [effing] secret in this country... Suburbs were created to subsidize white upward mobility, while it was against the law for black people to get a loan, illegal for black people to own the deed to their property"
Watch the video. He's making a lot of sense, even if it's tough to hear.